BPD can be treated by psychiatrists and psychologists. It is sometimes also treated by GPs, nurses, social workers and occupational therapists with special training.
Specialised mental health services for people with BPD are available in some major cities.
You will need to understand who provides which type of care in the region where you live.
All psychiatrists and psychologists should be able to diagnose and treat BPD, but some have more expertise and experience than others.
If you don’t live in a city or large town, your GP may be the main person who treats you for your BPD, possibly in consultation with the nearest mental health service.
More about mental health professionals
Psychiatrists: their role in treating borderline personality disorder
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who are experts in mental health. They are specialists in diagnosing and treating people with mental health problems such as BPD.
Psychiatrists have a medical degree plus extra mental health training. They have done at least 11 years of university study and medical training.
Psychiatrists often lead teams of other mental health workers who can help with your treatment.
More about psychiatrists
Find a psychiatrist near you who treats BPD
What you can expect from your psychiatrist and other health-care professionals
Mental health services should be welcoming to people with BPD.
You are entitled to receive treatment, just like people with any other mental illness or medical condition.
However, sometimes it is hard to find someone to treat you who is experienced in caring for people with BPD. Many mental health services can only provide full treatment for a small number of people with BPD at a time.
Your health professionals should show respect and compassion. When you tell them about your experiences and problems, they should listen, pay attention, and take your feelings seriously.
If you have to go to an emergency department because you have harmed yourself, the staff should treat your injuries professionally and kindly.
They should also arrange for you to talk to a trained mental health professional (e.g. a psychiatrist or psychologist).