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Constant, unwanted thoughts. In OCD they could be about dirt and disease, terrible things happening, sex, violence, or religious themes.
occupational therapist
A health professional trained to help with getting you back to daily activities such as work, study, cooking and cleaning, transport and socialising. Some have extra training or experience in mental health.
Obsessive compulsive disorder. A mental illness where a person has both obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted thoughts about, for example, dirt and disease, terrible things happening, sex, violence, or religious themes. Compulsions are activities such as cleaning, checking, counting or praying.
out of pocket expenses
Describes money you spend on a hospital stay or visit to a doctor, when the cost isn't fully covered by government (e.g. Medicare in Australia) or private health insurance.
outreach services
Where a health professional visits you in your home.